Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

Shakespeare Code, The

The Shakespeare Code reveals the codes concealed in the works of Shakespeare and other writers of his time. For over 250 years the codes were undiscovered. More than one person lost his life for daring to speak the secrets they contain.

The codes reveal an explosive story: the hidden marriage of Elizabeth, the “Virgin Queen,” murder and scandal, corruption and lies at the highest levels. And they tell the true life-story of Francis Bacon, the one who devised the codes themselves.

Bacon is one of the most remarkable men ever to walk the earth. He laid philosophical foundations for the scientific revolution. He was a visionary and a poet. Yet he walked the corridors of power and held the highest offices in the land. All this is known.

The cipher story reveals still more—that he was the true author of the works of Shakespeare. And he had a plan.

Bacon wrote of his vision of a coming golden age—a New Atlantis—in the new land of the West. He foresaw an age when science and technology would lift the curse of Eden. And he prophesied an age when man would be free.

He was the prophet of the modern world and it is time for the world to know his story.

Author and ascended master student Virginia Fellows shows us, in a way never told before, the truth, honor and faithfulness of Saint Germain’s victorious soul embodied as Francis Bacon.

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