Rabu, 25 Februari 2009


“ Don't be afraid to try! Don't be afraid to start! If you have fought your best, whatever the result is, the fighting spirit itself has the success value in it! Never regret!”

Once upon a time, in a remote village,lived a young man who had a wish to travel down town to have a better life. Upon leaving, he encountered fear, worry, and doubt. To encourage his intention to leave the village, he went to see one of the elderly figures in the village, both to say goodbye and seek for guidance.having heard his intention, the elderly happily said, “My son, this life's secret only consists of six words. And today I will only give you half of them.” and then he wrote down three words, DO NOT FEAR!!
Time passed quickly, 30 years had passed. The young man had come down with the ups and downs oflife. By having these 3 wise words “DO NOT FEAR”, he faced all chances as well as challenges bravely. Through that kind of magnificent mentality, he did change hid destiny. Then he turned into one of the most successful and honorable citizens in the country.
Yet, with all the success he already had, he still felt there was something imperfect and he came down to regret why he could not solve it. He tried hard to work it out, but his mind got even more messed up and unfocused. In the doubtful condition, he remembered the elderly who had given him the three wise words. “Didn't he still have the rest of the three words that he promised to give out to me?”

To be continue.................

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