how to generate $ 5 - $ 20 / day even more than the internet? is very easy you only list the sites I gave you then create the article / comments in English on an electronic product, ebook, sport and other lain.cukup make only 1 review is enough, remember only 1 review. I will give panduannya later. all the main free and very easy.
Can not the English language? can not the English language is not a problem here, because you can do without having to be English. I will give you a way to make a review without English you can, you only copy and paste google translet use only. panduannya I will give later. so can not the English language does not matter.
how do I pay? payment is by using paypal, you need not fear if you do not have paypal, now you better make paypal first.
Are trusted site? This site has been akusisi by microsoft, so this site has become the property of Microsoft. you do not need to have more credibility on that microsoft is guaranteed, so do not be afraid you do not pay because of the possibility that quite small. furthermore this website have alexa rank 2695 (25 january 2009). and this site has been since 1995 so do not need to ask more in capacity, must trusted.
Now how do I register and how to get money. I will explain step by step to get your money, please note:
1. Click the here below to join

2. ciao fill in name, email address, password, and fill all the form and click "start now"

3. after you sign up, you open the email there is a link in the confirmation of your membership in the ciao, click on the link activasi then go to ciao automatically after you click the activation link.

4. after entry to ciao ago fill click login username and password that you've created earlier. then you have to go ciao member area, then click the center member is in the top right of the website ciao

5. after the entry into member center you can choose what products you want to review products such as cameras, cell phone, or computer and many more. you can also take the facility to search the product you want to review. I contohkan here for a review of cell phone. click on cell phone

6. after you click the cell phone will display the product list prosuk cell phone, here I will review about the Sony Ericsson W580i, then click sony ericsson W580i, if you want to review other products you have to do the same thing just a different product

7.after any posts that click "write a review" to make a review, you do not need to worry the English language to make a review later because I will provide tips and trik.

8. that appear after the form fields that must review the contents, the contents of the review at least 120 words, how easily forged it, the contents of the form and other advantages such as lack of product.

after that click "publish review"
Once you make a fruit 1 review then you are already a member ciao active and have started to earn money through ciao.
How to get money from ciao!
after you become a member on active ciao then you can get money from ciao, what can you get from ciao:
* Get a $ 0.01-$ 0.03 each rating you review other people
* Get a $ 0.01-$ 0.03 each others rating your review
* Get $ 1 for every person that you referensikan
Now consider the source of money from ciao then the most important is we have many friends in ciao, and we often read reviews of others, so they will read the back and rating our reviews. believe. therefore join here
Tips and Tricks to get money from ciao
1. often log in and add friend (such as a friend on myspace add) and then read and review their rating, with rating helpful or very helpful. try to review my rating here add me then try and type the message, "" I have been read and rate your review, Please look and rate my review .. Thanks "with a reply so I will review your rating. You can do to another member as well. The guarantee you will do the same.
2. add a lot of friends, so the more you review the rating and your rating by the people, win-win solution. eg you have a friend 300, and 100 people rating you then you have to get at least $ 1 in hand, not to mention if you add another person. want more of that? seek review of the symbol $ $ $ yellow, you will pay at $ 0.03, is not this interesting?
3. make a review of goods in the expensive and many people find the review can get a lot of rating. believe
4. use the friend invite feature on ciao, so you can get $ 1 / referral, what if 5 people you will get $ 5, get $ 10 per person it's not too difficult, considering the market in the world is that the number of internet users have 1 billion guy. I will give you ways to get a referral, in addition you will get a bonus of 50% of your referral earnings during the first 6 months. refferal results of this very large, so you must be a serious run.
5. make a review as possible because there will be a total bonus $ 2000 for a review some of the best.
Income you can be in ciao see you in my ciao and updated every day at 14:30 WIB
Tips and Tricks Make review can be without the English language
as I promised earlier that I will give you a solution for the less able to speak English can still make a review in the English language, there are two ways to make the review are:
1. make a review with a review edit the existing
eg you want to review about Apple 3G iPhone, you can find the review that has been in ciao or you can use google to search for a review of the Apple iPhone 3G, use the keyword "Apple iPhone 3G review." you will get a lot of review, see the results if you use google.
then find one review on there, there I get a review.
then you use the facilities provided by the google through google translate, translate a review that you have had to indonesian language and then edit or add the word word in indonesian language. then after you add the word and the word word word is not necessary, translet to the English language.
Google translate link here, then stay there to copy and paste the review in ciao. easy is not it?
2. facilities using google translate fully edit their own without
means is that you translate the review before you get in the translation of English-English-Spain-France-Germany-English again
below is an example of the first English translation to Spain
Then after I review the translation of the English language to Spain and from Spain in the language translet to the English language, then translate to the language in france and germany translate to the language, then translate in to English again. the review will be 85-100% unique so that you can directly copy and paste to ciao. easy is not it?
Easy is not it? you do not need to be English to be able to make a review on ciao.
you must be careful in making careful review on ciao for 90-100% should be unique, if not then your account can be banned. therefore, to check to review uniquean you use this software, download software here. so you need not fear with Duplicate content.
How to request payment in ciao
To be able to request payment on ciao you must edit your paypal account first, he is the steps:
* You must be logged in first, and then click on "my ciao" and "setting"
* Then click on "personal data"
* Edit data "paypal" you
* Do not forget to update your name, address and other
after you update your paypal, how to ask for this payment:
* Click on the "Account Balance"
* You click on "Request Payment" if the balance has a minimum of $ 5, but you should request payment at the end of the month because Ciao payout only once in each month and pay in the middle of next month. for example, your payout on the 30th of november then you will pay in mid-December or 15 December.
Tips In Finding Money in the Ciao Max
Money from ciao most is in the can from refferal, we will get $ 1 dollar for every refferal that we get. In 1 day if only we could get 5 refferal only we can get $ 5, if 1 month? means 30x $ 5 = $ 150 (1.6 million) is almost the same as the salary of employees who work for 7-10 hours / days we only work 1 hour per day. that if $ 5 per day, what if $ 10, $ 15, ff. more will also earn you. to get 5 refferal of course not too difficult, because the internet user in the indonesian only reach 30 million people. now how do I find refferalnya, I will give you step by stepnya to you. This step by stepnya him.
1. You find your first link refferal first, I though I ribet facilities you can use the invite friend, I go to the center member are looking for have any posts under the affiliate program have continued on the next to invite friennd, and then fill in the fields that you have with your first email, and click invite, then check your email you will get your link ciao, such as this that I that link me to your link certainly different. or you can read in the faq ciao
2. you can also install the banner, the banner code is in the center member search integrate a banner. then there is code, copy paste aja di blog or other means of promotion, oh yes replace xxxxxxx with your refferal number, I figure I 10051660, I figure you definitely different. numbers can be viewed from the refferal link that you have daptkan earlier. refferal link and the banner is already starting to promote you.
3. We recommend that you do not just install a text link or banner only, you better make a review on ciao and procedure lists them so people can actually know what they are interested and ciao. and also give tips and triknya., you can also copy and paste any posts on this blog a list of your home so active member in my link.
4. after you make a complete review on ciao, promote review your ad through the PCC, email, forums, text ads and other media advertising campaigns. do not be afraid to take a little capital to campaign for the future will also return. ilustrasinya you sperti this capital of 50 thousand for the promotion of the program PPC 200x appear. means the site you visit will be in by 200 people, there is the possibility of 200 people about 40 will join for free business will be more interest. out of 40 people means you can be 40 or 400 thousand dollars, in 50 thousand fewer campaign means you're still not hit 350 thousand? still speculate. so do not fear campaign.
5. You can also use the friend invite feature on ciao, email content with your friends.
6. You will get a bonus worth 50% of your refferal earnings during the first 6 months. so eg in 1 month you get 20 refferal only means you get 20 dollars. nah 20 people refferal if you get 20 people are also the month that your earnings are $ 20 + 50% (20 x $ 20) = $ 220. Fair is not it?
Therefore here join now
Done,,, happy to get additional money from Ciao,,